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Ultra supporting local mental health through Bluebonnett Trails Community Services

August 10 2020

Ultra’s COVID-19 Fund is supporting Bluebonnett Trails Community Services in Texas and has donated $1,000 to help provide crisis counselling during the pandemic.

Mental health is the most under-funded area of public healthcare in the United States. That, compounded with the stresses enhanced by the COVID-19 pandemic, has pushed local communities to their limits.

Bluebonnet Trails Community Center was formed in 1996 through an interlocal governmental agreement among the six counties of Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Lee and Williamson. The Center was legally established as a community mental health center in 1997 by the Texas Department of Mental Health.

Currently, Bluebonnet Trails Community Services is offering skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) training and Psychological First Aid (PFA) training. This training is made possible through the Texans Recovering Together COVID-19 Crisis Counseling Program funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

For more information, please see details of Bluebonnett Trails Community Services: http://bbtrails.org/about-us/.

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